Found Healthy eating in the category of Free Courses.
Free Resource; Learn about nutritional, dietary and hydration needs using the Eatwell Plate and the Food Triangle to inform employers, individuals, schools and social care organisations of healthier options.
Course Lessons, Healthy eating Menu: Introduction to Nutrition & healthy eating, The Digestive System, healthy eating, The 5 Major Food Groups, Salt Intake, Water Consumption, healthy eating Choices, Food Labelling, Food Allergies, healthy Snacks
Healthy eating Related Tags: healthy eating, healthier snacks, nutrition, hydration, school, enterprise initiative, allergies, dietary needs, food groups, social care, food, labelling, the eatwell plate, food triangle, eating, health and safety, salt, water, level 1, award,
Found Healthy eating in the category of Free Courses.
Free resource; learn about healthy eating, mental wellbeing, the importance of rest, healthcare and exercise, in addition to raising awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Course Lessons, Healthy eating Menu: Health & Wellbeing, healthy eating, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Supporting Innovation, Mental Health & Mental Wellbeing, Rest & Exercise, Occupational Health & Healthcare
Healthy eating Related Tags: healthy eating, healthier snacks, nutrition, hydration, school, enterprise initiative, allergies, dietary needs, food groups, social care, food, labelling, the eatwell plate, food triangle, eating, stress, mental health, wellbeing, health and safety, csr, rest, exercise, occupational health, level 1, award,
Found Healthy eating in the category of Medical & Care Courses.
Meal planning for vulnerable persons and their dietary requirements. Learn healthy eating with the 5 major food groups, the importance of allergies and food labelling using the Eatwell Plate and Food Triangle.
Course Lessons, Healthy eating Menu: Introduction to Nutrition & healthy eating, The Digestive System, healthy eating, The 5 Major Food Groups, Salt Intake, Water Consumption, healthy eating Choices, Food Labelling, Food Allergies, Meal Planning
Healthy eating Related Tags: healthy eating, nutrition, hydration, needs, vulnerable person, allergies, dietary needs, food groups, care, support, social care, food labelling, the eatwell plate, food triangle, health and safety, level 1,
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