Representative Training

We found 1 representative results across all course categories, searching through their; menus, content, tags and names.
Health & Safety For Managers

Found Representative in the category of Safety Management Courses.

Advanced management, 5 Steps to Risk Assessment (INDG163), HSG65 and case law to define principles including absolute, practicable, reasonably practicable and reasonable. Risk management including; COSHH, fire risk, hazards, control of contractors, accident management, legionella and gas service maintenance amongst other modules.

Course Lessons, Representative Menu: Duty of Care, Case Law, Understanding Risk Assessment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, Driving and Workplace Transport, Electrical Work, Portable Appliance Testing, Control of Contractors, Manual Handling, Noise, Personal Protective Equipment, Working at Height, Accident and Incident, Asbestos, Fire and Emergency, Legionella, Gas Safety, Health & Wellbeing, Closing Summary

Representative Related Tags: rep, representative, hse, accident, management, law, managers, risk assessment, hsg, 65, safety coordinator, nebosh, fire risk, coshh, contractor, legionella, wellbeing, duty of care, case law, health and safety, hazard, audit, analysis, nebosh, popular, award, level 3, cpd,

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