Found Safeguarding children in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Education specific safeguarding; Preventing Radicalisation, safeguarding children, understanding DBS Checks (Disclosure & Barring Service), exploitation and 'spent' convictions and how this is relevant to DBS Checks.
Course Lessons, Safeguarding children Menu: safeguarding for Schools, DBS Checks, safeguarding children, Preventing Radicalisation
Safeguarding children Related Tags: safeguarding children, abuse, exploitation, school, education, health and safety, dbs, crb, school, college, university, sen, senco, prevent, radicalisation, level 3, award,
Found Safeguarding children in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Education specific safety with safeguarding; DBS Checks, SEN (Special Educational Needs), preventing radicalisation, School Emergency Plan, School Trips and accidents and incidents (RIDDOR).
Course Lessons, Safeguarding children Menu: safeguarding & Safety in Education, safeguarding children, Preventing Radicalisation, Young Persons, DBS Checks, School Trips, Events & Activities, Risk Management, Anti Social Behaviour, School Emergency Plan, Actions Following Incidents, First Response, Basic Life Support (adult, child, infant), SEN Special Educational Needs, Epilepsy, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Fire & Emergency, Safety Signs, Slips Trips & Falls, Harassment & Bullying, Drugs, Alcohol & Substance Misuse, Needlesticks, Work/Life Balance & Stress
Safeguarding children Related Tags: safeguarding children, abuse, exploitation, school, education, health and safety, dbs, crb, school, college, university, sen, senco, prevent, radicalisation, display screen equipment, workplace, coshh, accidents, incident, substance misuse, bullying, lone, expectant mothers, occupational health, risk assessment, safety signs, visitors, equipment, work life balance, young person, level 3, award,
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Found Safeguarding children in the category of Medical & Care Courses.
Understand the welfare of children and young people. Types of abuse, exploitation, Preventing Radicalisation, sources of stress, social exclusion and the effects of poverty are explained in addition to DBS Checks (Disclosure & Barring Service).
Course Lessons, Safeguarding children Menu: Introduction and Legislation, The Impact of Maltreatment, Types of Abuse, Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII), Sources of Stress, Managing Behaviour, Child Protection, Immediate Actions, Communicating, Cultural and Religious Backgrounds, Death of a Child, Preventing Radicalisation
Safeguarding children Related Tags: children, young person, child, welfare, stress, safeguarding, abuse, health and safety, exploitation, dbs, crb, prevent, preventing radicalisation, vulnerable, maltreatment, fabricated, induced, illness, FII, behaviour, protection, level 3, award,
Found Safeguarding children in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Learn how to safeguard potentially vulnerable adults. The types of abuse and neglect they experience including the signs and symptoms, and key considerations on mental capacity and opportunities for mis-use of power. How to respond, record evidence and report allegations of abuse and neglect in vulnerable adults using a person-centred approach.
Course Lessons, Safeguarding children Menu: Aims of Adult safeguarding, Abuse & Neglect, Signs Symptoms & Warning Signs of Abuse & Neglect, Opportunities for Misuse of Power, How to Respond & Report, Managing a safeguarding Enquiry, Mental Capacity, Quiz Questions
Safeguarding children Related Tags: level 3, safeguarding, protection, behaviour, maltreatment, vulnerable, crb, dbs, exploitation, health and safety, abuse, harm, neglect, negligence, stress, welfare, learning disabilities, person-centred, evidence,
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Found Safeguarding children in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Understand your Data Protection responsibilities and how GDPR is used to protect confidential or sensitive information. This course explains Data Processing compliance, and the formal roles of the ICO, Data Controller, Data Processor and the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
Course Lessons, Safeguarding children Menu: Introduction & Terminology, The GDPR, Who Regulates Data Protection?, Personal Rights under GDPR, Data Redaction, Data Processing, GDPR and children, The Freedom of Information Act, Subject Access Requests, Cyber Security, Giving Consent for Others, Quiz Questions
Safeguarding children Related Tags: data, data protection, gdpr, dpo, controller, processor, data protection officer, confidential, sensitive, access, misuse, ico, compliance, rights, foi, sar, breach, cyber security, personal data, law, consent, data subject, rights, dsar, level 2,
Found Safeguarding children in the category of Medical & Care Courses.
Understand this complex and vulnerable condition to communicate, promote independence and reassure family members. Enable lifestyles to accommodate changes while anxiety is reduced for everyone involved.
Course Lessons, Safeguarding children Menu: Introduction, Defining Dementia, Signs & Symptoms of Dementia, Diagnosing Dementia, Communication & Interaction, Promoting Independence, Supporting Behaviours, Family Members and Carers, Multi-Agency Support, Assistive Technologies, Health and Well-Being, Supporting you to support Dementia
Safeguarding children Related Tags: dementia, care, symptoms, sufferer, independence, challenging, behaviour, safeguarding, health and safety, elderly, vulnerable, social, level 2,
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