Found People Handling in the category of Medical & Care Courses.
Learn Moving and Handling of People; Person Hoist usage and Slide Sheet Transfers of People who are unable to move themselves in a healthcare, domiciliary care or social care environment.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Manual Handling Introduction, How the Back Works, Basic Principles of Manual Handling, People Handling, Minimising Moving & Handling Risks
People Handling Related Tags: Manual Handling, Moving and Handling, People Handling, Back Injury, Muscular Skeletal Disorder, MSD, Care, Lifting Load, Task, LITE, TILE, hoist, sling, musculoskeletal, technique, slide sheet transfer, movement, level 2, award,
Found People Handling in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Safety techniques for lifting with L.I.T.E (load, individual, task and environment) while considering bodily forces used when lifting to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: What is Manual Handling?, How the Back Works, Basic Principles of Manual Handling, Control Measures for Manual Handling, Factors to Consider (LITE)
People Handling Related Tags: manual Handling, lifting, lite, load, individual, environment, bodily force, transport, health and safety, msd, musculoskeletal disorders, technique, popular, level 2, award,
Found People Handling in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Sports and Leisure hazards and risks training for operational staff and others to address Conflict Resolution, Accidents and Manual Handling. Perfect for Duty Manager, Recreation Assistant, Receptionist and Life Guards etc.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Display Screen Equipment, COSHH, Inspections of the Workplace, Manual Handling, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Working at Height, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Asbestos Awareness, Fire & Emergency, Harassment & Bullying, Conflict Resolution, Legionnaires Disease, Occupational Health, Risk Assessment Introduction, Lone Working, Safety Signs, Slips Trips Falls, Work Life Balance & Stress, Young People
People Handling Related Tags: leisure centre, council, work life balance, safety signs, risk assessment, lone, bullying, asbestos, incident, accidents, coshh, workplace, display screen equipment, dse, falls, trips, slips, stress, wellbeing, harassment, health and safety, fire, inspection, Handling, manual, workstation, induction, conflict resolution, level 2, award,
Found People Handling in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Essentials for office safety, fire and emergency, work life balance, stress, accidents, computer workstation safety (DSE) as well as home working, manual Handling and bullying.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Display Screen Equipment, Manual Handling for office environments, Slips Trips Falls, Inspections of the Workplace, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Information Sources, First Aid, Substance Misuse, Asbestos Awareness for Office Environments, Fire & Emergency, Portable Electrical Equipment, Safety Signs, Occupational Health, COSHH, Work Equipment/Plant for office environments, Electrical Work, Working at Height for office environments, Lone Working and Home Visits, Driving & Transport, Work Life Balance & Stress, Harassment & Bullying, Visitors, Young People
People Handling Related Tags: induction, workstation, manual, Handling, home working, inspection, fire, health and safety, harassment, pat, wellbeing, stress, slips, trips, falls office, dse, display screen equipment, workplace, coshh, accidents, incident, asbestos, substance misuse, bullying, lone, expectant mothers, occupational health, risk assessment, safety signs, visitors, equipment, work life balance, young person, popular, level 2, award, cpd,
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Found People Handling in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Understand computer workstation safety (DSE), fire safety, manual Handling and accidents, as well as an understanding of electrical equipment and personal protection equipment (PPE), stress and wellbeing.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Display Screen Equipment, Driving & Transport, COSHH, Electrical Work, Inspections of the Workplace, Manual Handling, Noise Exposure, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Working at Height, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Asbestos Awareness, Substance Misuse, Fire & Emergency, First Aid, Harassment & Bullying, Information Sources, Legionnaires Disease, Lone Working & Home Visits, New & Expectant Mothers, Occupational Health, Office Moves, Portable Electrical Equipment, Risk Assessment Introduction, Safety Signs, Slips Trips Falls, Visitors, Work Equipment & Plant, Work Life Balance & Stress, Young People
People Handling Related Tags: induction, workstation, manual, Handling, home working, inspection, fire, health and safety, harassment, pat, wellbeing, stress, slips, trips, falls, dse, display screen equipment, workplace, coshh, accidents, incident, asbestos, substance misuse, bullying, lone, expectant mothers, occupational health, risk assessment, safety signs, visitors, equipment, work life balance, young person, level 2, award, cpd,
Found People Handling in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Learn about manual Handling, conflict resolution, working at height, fire safety, accidents and incidents and occupational health with retail specific scenarios.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Display Screen Equipment, Manual Handling, Slips, Trips & Falls, Inspections of the Workplace, Conflict Resolution, Fire & Emergency, Accidents & Incidents, Asbestos, Drugs,Alcohol & Substance Misuse, First Aid, Harassment & Bullying, Information, New & Expectant Mothers, Occupational Health, Portable and Transportable Electrical Equipment, Risk Assessment, Safety Signs, Visitors, Work Equipment, Work/Life Balance & Stress, Young Persons, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH), Driving & Workplace Transport & Travel, Electrical Work, Working at Height, Lone Working
People Handling Related Tags: retail, induction, dse, shop, lighting, health and safety, conflict, resolution, harassment, manual Handling, fire safety, display screen equipment, workplace, coshh, accidents, incident, substance misuse, bullying, lone, expectant mothers, occupational health, risk assessment, safety signs, visitors, equipment, work life balance, young person, level 2, award,
Found People Handling in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Education specific safety; Preventing Radicalisation, SEN Assessments, lone working and anti-social behaviour including school trips, emergency plans, as well as the core principles such as computer workstation safety (DSE), manual Handling and fire safety.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Health & Safety Awareness for Schools, Display Screen Equipment, School Driving & Transport, COSHH, School Trips/Events/Activities, Risk Management, Home Working, School Workplace Inspections, Manual Handling, Noise Exposure, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Working at Height, Anti Social Behaviour, DBS Checks, The Prevent Duty, School Emergency Plan, Actions Following Incidents, Lone Working & Home Visits, SEN Special Educational Needs, Epilepsy, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Asbestos Awareness, Drugs, Alcohol & Substance Misuse, Fire & Emergency, First Aid, Harassment & Bullying, School Information Sources, Legionnaires Disease, New & Expectant Mothers, Occupational Health, Electrical Work, Portable Electrical Equipment, Risk Assessment Introduction, Safety Signs, School Slips Trips & Falls, Managing Guests/Visitors, Work Equipment & Plant, Work Life Balance & Stress, Young Persons, Needlesticks
People Handling Related Tags: university, school trip, SEN, SENCO, Emergency Planning, CRB, Criminal Records Bureau, health and safety, dbs, teacher, college, student, board of governors, governor, ofsted, prevent, level 2, award,
Read more about Health & Safety Awareness For Schools Course...
Found People Handling in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Understand conflict resolution, working at height and fire safety, using housing industry specific scenarios as well as other safety essentials such as accidents, CoSHH, manual Handling and anti social behaviour.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Workstation Safety (DSE), Driving and Workplace Transport, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, Electrical Work, Events, Handling Cash/Banking, Home Working, Inspections of the Workplace, Manual Handling, Noise, Personal Protective Equipment, Working at Height, Anti Social Behaviour, Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS), Discovery of a Fatality, Door Knocking, Lone Working & Home Visits, Mental Health & Drug & Alcohol misuse, Needlesticks, Pets and Animal Nuisance, Site Hazards, Accidents and Incidents, Asbestos, Drugs, Alcohol & Substance Misuse, Fire & Emergency, First Aid, Harassment & Bullying, Information, Legionnaires Disease, New & Expectant Mothers, Occupational Health, Office Moves, Portable & Transportable Electrical Equipment, Risk Assessment, Safety Signs, Slips, Trips & Falls, Visitors, Work Equipment/Plant, Work/Life Balance & Stress, Young Persons, Gas Safety
People Handling Related Tags: housing association, induction, premises, housing, tenant, dwelling, health and safety, abs, anti social behaviour, harassment, conflict, display screen equipment, workplace, coshh, accidents, incident, substance misuse, bullying, lone, expectant mothers, occupational health, risk assessment, safety signs, visitors, equipment, work life balance, young person, award, level 2,
Found People Handling in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand computer workstation safety (DSE) such as the chair, screens and peripheral equipment including foot rests and wrist supports to safely improve pain and discomfort for your colleagues.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: What is Display Screen Equipment, The Purpose of a DSE Assessment, DSE Assessor Tool Kit, Individual Vulnerabilities, People
People Handling Related Tags: dse, workstation, safety, monitor, screen, display, posture, ergonomics, occupational health, health and safety, msd, updated, level 3, award, cpd,
Found People Handling in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Advanced management, 5 Steps to Risk Assessment (INDG163), HSG65 and case law to define principles including absolute, practicable, reasonably practicable and reasonable. Risk management including; COSHH, fire risk, hazards, control of contractors, accident management, legionella and gas service maintenance amongst other modules.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Duty of Care, Case Law, Understanding Risk Assessment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, Driving and Workplace Transport, Electrical Work, Portable Appliance Testing, Control of Contractors, Manual Handling, Noise, Personal Protective Equipment, Working at Height, Accident and Incident, Asbestos, Fire and Emergency, Legionella, Gas Safety, Health & Wellbeing, Closing Summary
People Handling Related Tags: rep, representative, hse, accident, management, law, managers, risk assessment, hsg, 65, safety coordinator, nebosh, fire risk, coshh, contractor, legionella, wellbeing, duty of care, case law, health and safety, hazard, audit, analysis, nebosh, popular, award, level 3, cpd,
Found People Handling in the category of Safety Management Courses.
HSE 5 Step guide including hierarchy of control and managing; People, equipment, materials and their environment. Understand the initial and residual risk factors including the likelihood and severity calculations.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Significant Differences of Law, Risk Assessment, Monitoring & Review, Communication, Legal Requirements, Risk Assessment Examples
People Handling Related Tags: risk, assessment, hse, hazard, employer, harm, likelihood, severity, score, health and safety, duty of care, level 2, award, cpd,
Found People Handling in the category of Free Courses.
Free Resource; understand limited mobility, non-weight bearing People ascending and descending staircases. Using realistic scenarios we highlight the potential social inclusion and exclusion of accessibility.
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Mobility and Accessibility
People Handling Related Tags: mobility, wellbeing, accessible, disability, wheelchair, social inclusion, non weight bearing, weight, management standards, prm, persons with reduced mobility, health and safety, level 1, award,
Found People Handling in the category of Medical & Care Courses.
Understand the welfare of children and young People. Types of abuse, exploitation, Preventing Radicalisation, sources of stress, social exclusion and the effects of poverty are explained in addition to DBS Checks (Disclosure & Barring Service).
Course Lessons, People Handling Menu: Introduction and Legislation, The Impact of Maltreatment, Types of Abuse, Fabricated or Induced Illness (FII), Sources of Stress, Managing Behaviour, Child Protection, Immediate Actions, Communicating, Cultural and Religious Backgrounds, Death of a Child, Preventing Radicalisation
People Handling Related Tags: children, young person, child, welfare, stress, safeguarding, abuse, health and safety, exploitation, dbs, crb, prevent, preventing radicalisation, vulnerable, maltreatment, fabricated, induced, illness, FII, behaviour, protection, level 3, award,
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