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This Health & Safety Awareness For Schools Course learning outcomes include; Education specific safety; Preventing Radicalisation, SEN Assessments, lone working and anti-social behaviour including school trips, emergency plans, as well as the core principles such as computer workstation safety (DSE), manual handling and fire safety.
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Organisations, Groups and Businesses training 25 or more people with this course pay £35 per person.
Larger orders from Agencies & Enterprises, training 100 or more people with this course, only pay £12 per person.
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This online course includes all of the 41 lessons above. It is designed to develop the trainees Health & Safety Awareness For Schools skills for health and safety compliance in the workplace, providing valuable real-world learning outcomes at a high speed. It's used by individuals, groups and businesses to train their workforce across industries including Education & Schools, among others.
Provided by AGCC Training based in Aberdeen, Scotland, it's accessible at anytime online from an internet connected device at work or home, such as a computer, tablet or smart phone. Teams have access to a highly rated LMS and all successfully completing trainees achieve a Certificate of Completion.
—Provides a detailed grounding for those working in the Education environment, including schools, colleges, universities etc. focusing on those industry specific issues such as school trips, school emergency plans, SEN Assessments, epilepsy, lone working & anti-social behaviour as well as the basic principles such as workstation safety (DSE), manual handling and fire safety. An element of Preventing Radicalisation (The Prevent Duty) is included within the Health & safety Awareness for Schools course.
School trips have long since been a controversial subject, this health and safety induction course reassures teachers and other school staff that children should be able to experience a wide range of activities. Health and safety measures should help them to do this safely, not stop them. It is important that children learn to understand and manage the risks that are a normal part of life. Commonsense should be used in assessing and managing the risks of any activity. Health and safety procedures should always be proportionate to the risks of an activity.
This course also touches on The Prevent Duty, raising awareness of the concept amongst staff. A more detailed coverage of Preventing Radicalisation is included within the course: Safeguarding for Schools
Course Tags: university, school trip, SEN, SENCO, Emergency Planning, CRB, Criminal Records Bureau, health and safety, dbs, teacher, college, student, board of governors, governor, ofsted, prevent, level 2, award,
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Education specific safety with safeguarding; DBS Checks, SEN (Special Educational Needs), preventing radicalisation, School Emergency Plan, School Trips and accidents and incidents (RIDDOR).
Education specific safeguarding; Preventing Radicalisation, safeguarding children, understanding DBS Checks (Disclosure & Barring Service), exploitation and 'spent' convictions and how this is relevant to DBS Checks.
Advanced management, 5 Steps to Risk Assessment (INDG163), HSG65 and case law to define principles including absolute, practicable, reasonably practicable and reasonable. Risk management including; COSHH, fire risk, hazards, control of contractors, accident management, legionella and gas service maintenance amongst other modules.