Found Support in the category of Medical & Care Courses.
Understand this complex and vulnerable condition to communicate, promote independence and reassure family members. Enable lifestyles to accommodate changes while anxiety is reduced for everyone involved.
Course Lessons, Support Menu: Introduction, Defining Dementia, Signs & Symptoms of Dementia, Diagnosing Dementia, Communication & Interaction, Promoting Independence, supporting Behaviours, Family Members and Carers, Multi-Agency support, Assistive Technologies, Health and Well-Being, supporting you to support Dementia
Support Related Tags: dementia, care, symptoms, sufferer, independence, challenging, behaviour, safeguarding, health and safety, elderly, vulnerable, social, level 2,
Found Support in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Education specific safety with safeguarding; DBS Checks, SEN (Special Educational Needs), preventing radicalisation, School Emergency Plan, School Trips and accidents and incidents (RIDDOR).
Course Lessons, Support Menu: Safeguarding & Safety in Education, Safeguarding Children, Preventing Radicalisation, Young Persons, DBS Checks, School Trips, Events & Activities, Risk Management, Anti Social Behaviour, School Emergency Plan, Actions Following Incidents, First Response, Basic Life support (adult, child, infant), SEN Special Educational Needs, Epilepsy, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Fire & Emergency, Safety Signs, Slips Trips & Falls, Harassment & Bullying, Drugs, Alcohol & Substance Misuse, Needlesticks, Work/Life Balance & Stress
Support Related Tags: safeguarding children, abuse, exploitation, school, education, health and safety, dbs, crb, school, college, university, sen, senco, prevent, radicalisation, display screen equipment, workplace, coshh, accidents, incident, substance misuse, bullying, lone, expectant mothers, occupational health, risk assessment, safety signs, visitors, equipment, work life balance, young person, level 3, award,
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Found Support in the category of Free Courses.
Free resource; learn about healthy eating, mental wellbeing, the importance of rest, healthcare and exercise, in addition to raising awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Course Lessons, Support Menu: Health & Wellbeing, Healthy Eating, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), supporting Innovation, Mental Health & Mental Wellbeing, Rest & Exercise, Occupational Health & Healthcare
Support Related Tags: healthy eating, healthier snacks, nutrition, hydration, school, enterprise initiative, allergies, dietary needs, food groups, social care, food, labelling, the eatwell plate, food triangle, eating, stress, mental health, wellbeing, health and safety, csr, rest, exercise, occupational health, level 1, award,
Found Support in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand mental health, interventions and presenteeism. Learn how to address early warning signs and returning to work, in addition how it impacts the business and the individual.
Course Lessons, Support Menu: The importance of good mental health at work, What is mental health?, Early warning signs and interventions, Prevention, Presenteeism, Return To Work, Making Reasonable Adjustments, Legal Responsibilities, Summary
Support Related Tags: mental health, wellbeing, stress, trigger, presenteeism, absence, hr, human resources, human support, health and safety, level 3, cpd,
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Found Support in the category of Medical & Care Courses.
Meal planning for vulnerable persons and their dietary requirements. Learn healthy eating with the 5 major food groups, the importance of allergies and food labelling using the Eatwell Plate and Food Triangle.
Course Lessons, Support Menu: Introduction to Nutrition & Healthy Eating, The Digestive System, Healthy Eating, The 5 Major Food Groups, Salt Intake, Water Consumption, Healthy Eating Choices, Food Labelling, Food Allergies, Meal Planning
Support Related Tags: healthy eating, nutrition, hydration, needs, vulnerable person, allergies, dietary needs, food groups, care, support, social care, food labelling, the eatwell plate, food triangle, health and safety, level 1,
Found Support in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Essentials for dealing with coronavirus infection. Learn how to plan and action measures for the current outbreak. A guide to put into use now and have a pandemic plan to support business continuity which can be used for the next outbreak.
Course Lessons, Support Menu: What is a Pandemic, Coronavirus Keypoints, Business Continuity & Planning, Pandemic Departmental Keypoints, Pandemic Incident Management, Lessons from Coronavirus, Pandemic Takeaway Points, Recovering from a Pandemic
Support Related Tags: coronavirus, virus, pandemic, pandemic planning, business continuity, health emergency, COVID-19, hand washing, bacteria, risk management, safety, health, bcp, level 3,
Found Support in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Computer workstation safety (DSE) training helps avoid; back, neck and wrist pain (RSI). Workstation ergonomics discusses; posture, position of arms, legs, head and how the wrist support and foot rests may help or hinder existing injuries or vulnerabilities.
Course Lessons, Support Menu: Display Screen Equipment, What does a computer workstation include?, Checking your Workstation Setup, The Work Chair, Lighting, The Desk, Breaks and Changes of Activity, Sit-Stand Working, Mobile Devices, DSE Assessment, Home Working, Work Routines, Verification of Understanding
Support Related Tags: workstation safety, computer set up, dse, display screen equipment, screen, health and safety, ergonomic, work chair, footrest, stress, msd, popular, standing desk, multiple screens, office, lighting, remote working, home working, tablet, laptop, updated, level 2, award, cpd,
Found Support in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand computer workstation safety (DSE) such as the chair, screens and peripheral equipment including foot rests and wrist supports to safely improve pain and discomfort for your colleagues.
Course Lessons, Support Menu: What is Display Screen Equipment, The Purpose of a DSE Assessment, DSE Assessor Tool Kit, Individual Vulnerabilities, People
Support Related Tags: dse, workstation, safety, monitor, screen, display, posture, ergonomics, occupational health, health and safety, msd, updated, level 3, award, cpd,
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